First Bloom

Trend 1 centers around Clotho, the spinner goddess, and tells the story of her weaving the initial bloom of life. Clotho, with her sacred spindle, spins the threads of human life, symbolizing the birth of new existence. Her name means "The Spinner," and she holds the beginning of fate.

Infinite Possibilities

The threads spun by Clotho are not just the start of life but also the prelude to the dance of the soul.

In the glowing center of a flower, life quietly begins under the expectations of the gods. Tender petals transform into the human senses eyes, ears, nose, and tongue like the senses of nature' s own flower blossoming.These petals, spun by Clotho over millennia, are imbued with spirituality, filling humans with a desire for exploration and the flow of emotions. At the moment of birth, each life becomes a symbol of hope, full of infinite possibilities.


Trend 1 incorporates PINKSELFIE's classic designs andcolor palettes, blending casual wool fabrics, trench coatematerials, and tailored leather. These three main lines are beloved by consumers. In addition to the practical black, white, and gray, various shades of pink add a soft and dynamic highlight to the collection.


【設計媒體Vie發布會】 PINIE桃園​​旗艦店開幕!義大利現代藝術感的時尚個性空間!

【Fashion Design Media La Vie coverage】PINK SELFIE Taoyuan Flagship Store is Opening! A fashionable space with a sense of Italian modern art!
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年輕設計界裡,雖然PINK SELFIE屬眾多品牌,由於設計師運用3D設備,在服裝領域獨樹一幟的「立體美學」,融合技術與街頭時尚設計感,深受明星藝人喜愛時尚名媛以及女企業家品牌的愛,也塑造了新名媛風格的新思媛。 t24>



一門入門派的陳列率展示台佈置的桃花佈置,更隱蔽的檯面,為空間未來的畫作畫出層次感的彩層櫃,以女性色彩配置透明發散強烈的感覺,比喻女性的色彩配置本土擁有強大的能量,網路片區的又一義大利現前現代藝術感。店內為時尚感未來感,展示OGR機甲鞋、ANNA LOCH浮雕藝術包、PROJEKT PRODUKT主要墨鏡展示、潮流時尚感奢華精品香氛等品,更用主題色彩與最受關注的區域科技元素,打造受Z世代歡迎的區域;至於玫瑰場域主要為當季季,就像2021年秋冬當季為凡爾賽區的展示項目風格,由廣受歡迎的元素選品,由ANINAECO包、波蘭10DART琉璃飾品組成,由寶石、展現女性魅力的優雅奢華感,抓住準時世代喜愛的潮流潮流。


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<22> PIN碼也是KSELFSELFSELF品牌配飾,搭配本季精選的國際新品,店內更特別是每一季制的頂級VIP室IP,坐落在正前方的狹小空間,同樣在流行時的新品位由米蘭設計師重金打造的高級私人定制物空間,將每季新品通過360度環繞試穿展示,提供寬敞舒適的試穿空間,VIP尊貴專屬的試穿選物環境。


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